Pocket Spring Titanium Queen Bed

R 10,319.89
Base, Mattress Set
Std or XL

The Titanium pocket spring mattress is the perfect choice for couples seeking durable firmness. Crafted to support weight, health and longevity, it is firm yet suited to heavier individuals or those eyeing a healthier mattress option. Combining the comfort and luxury of a pocket spring with the heavy-duty construction of a foam mattress, the Titanium offers an optimal solution.

It boasts:

  • 30cm mattress depth
  • 120kg weight rating per partner,
  • 2-year guarantee and 30-year warranty. 
  • Turn-free option is available on request.

Pocket springs are often overlooked in favour of cheaper alternatives, but they afford the very best level of comfort. The Titanium is heavy-duty, providing luxurious, firm support and optimal health benefits.